Every molecule of water that was present when the Earth’s oceans were formed millions of years ago is still present today. That means the water you drink is the same water dinosaurs drank! All living things need water: plants, animals and people. Water is important to us for many purposes such as drinking, bathing and growing our food.
Set up stations for children to explore water. Supply scoops, cups and other tools for filling, dumping and exploring. Supply cold water, warm water and ice. If possible, boil water to show children water in its gas form – steam. Ask children: Do you use water? How do you use water? Who else uses water? Do animals use water? Plants? Where is there water? At your home? Outside? What do you like about water? Invite children to think of different words that describe water such as wet, cool or splash.
Collect items from outside on your playground such as rocks, sticks, leaves or seeds. Which do they think will float? Which do they think will sink? Allow children to experiment with each item in the water.
Create water collages. Have children look through magazines for pictures of water or people and/or animals using water. Let them cut out the pictures they want and glue them to a piece of paper. You could also incorporate the letter W into the collages.
For these and other ideas use Project WILD’s Growing Up WILD “Aqua Charades.
Book List
Base, G. 2001. The Water Hole. Harry N Abrams, Inc.
Branley, F.M. 1997. Down Comes the Rain. HarperCollins Children's Books.Brimner, L.D. 1999. Raindrops. Scholastic Library Publishing.
Cole, J. and B. Degen. 1988. The Magic School Bus At the Waterworks. Scholastic, Inc.
Curry, D.L. 1999. The Water Cycle. Capstone Press.
DK Publishing. 2007. Water Everywhere. DK Publishing, Inc.
Edom, H. 2007. Science with Water. EDC Publishing.
Falwell, C. 2001. Turtle Splash!: Countdown at the Pond. HarperCollins Publishers.
Fourment, T. 2004. My Water Comes from the Mountains. Roberts Rinehart Publishers.
Greenfield, E. and J.S. Gilchrist. 1999. Water, Water. HarperCollins Publishers.
Hooper, M. The Drop in My Drink: The Story of Water on Our Planet. Viking Press.
Jango-Cohen, J. 2005. Why Does It Rain? Lerner Publishing Group.
Jarnow, J. and E. Hathon. 2000. Splish! Splash! Penguin Group, Inc. (USA).
Kerley, B. 2006. A Cool Drink of Water. National Geographic Society.
Olien, R. 1999. Splish Splash Science, Grades 1-3: Learning about Water with Easy Fun-Filled Activities. Scholastic, Inc.
Pluckrose, H. 2001. Water. Gareth Stevens Audio.
Seuling, B. 2000. Drip! Drop!: How Water Gets to Your Tap. Holiday House, Inc.
Swanson, D. 2005. Wonder in Water. Annick Press, Limited.
Tresselt, A.R. 1990. Rain Drop Splash. HarperCollins Publishers.
Waldman, N. 2003. Snowflake: A Water Cycle Story. Millbrook Press.
Wells, R.E. 2006. Did a Dinosaur Drink This Water? Albert Whitman & Company.
Weininger, B. and A. Moller. 2003. Precious Water. North-South Books.
Yolen, J. 1995. Water Music: Poems for Children. Boyds Mills Press.