October: Developing a Sense of Place
Sense of Place Book List
Arnosky, J. 1993. Crinkleroot's Guide to Walking in Wild Places. Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing.
Arnosky, J. 1995. I See Animals Hiding. Scholastic.
Baylor, B. and P. Parnall. 1997. The Other Way to Listen. Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing.
Bishop, N. 2002. Backyard Detective: Critters Up Close. Scholastic, Inc.
Brenner, B. and T. Leonard. 2004. One Small Place in a Tree. HarperCollins Childrens Books.
Burns, D. and L. Garrow. 1998. Leaves, Trees and Bark (Take-Along Guide). NorthWord Books for Young Readers.
Burns, D.L. and J.F. McGee. 1996. Berries, Nuts, and Seeds (Take-Along Guide). T&N Children's Publishing.
Canizares, S., D. Moreton and B. Chessen. 1997. Who Lives in a Tree? Scholastic, Inc.
Capogna, V.V. 1999. Did You Ever Wonder about Things You Find in Your Backyard? Marshall Cavendish Inc.
Chesanow, N. and A. W. Iosa. 1995. Where Do I Live?. Barron’s Educational Series, Inc.
Cooper, A.C. 2000. In the City. Rinehart P.
Cox, M., and DK Publishing Staff. 2009. Wildlife Gardening. DK Publishing, Inc.
Davis, W. 1998. City Park. Scholastic Library Publishing.
Di Salvo-Ryan, D. 1994. City Green. HarperCollins Publishers.
Epstein, S. 1989. Bugs for Dinner?: The Eating Habits of Neighborhood Creatures. Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing.
Fife, D.H. 1996. The Empty Lot. Sierra Club Books for Children.
Fredericks, A.D. 2001. Under One Rock: Bugs, Slugs and Other Ughs. Dawn Publications.
Fredericks, A.D. On One Flower: Butterflies, Ticks and a Few More Icks.
Giogas, V. 2007. In My Backyard. Sylvan Dell Publishing.
Herberman, E. 1989. The City Kid's Field Guide. Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing.
Hester, N. 2004. The Living Town. Watts Pub Group.
Kavanagh, J. and R. Leung. 2001. Urban Wildlife: An Introduction to Familiar Species (North American Nature Guides). Waterford Press.
Kirkland, J. 2001. Take a Backyard Bird Walk. Stillwater Publishing.
Kirkland, J. 2006. Take a City Nature Walk. Stillwater Publishing.
Ladoux, R. 2002. Iowa. Lerner Publishing Group.
Landry, S.B. and R.T. Peterson. 1998. Peterson First Guide to Urban Wildlife. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
Lavies, B. 1989. Tree Trunk Traffic. Penguin Group (USA), Inc.
Lovejoy, S. 1999. Roots, Shoots, Buckets & Boots: Gardening Together with Children. Workman Publishing Company.
Morrison, G. 2004. Nature in the Neighborhood. Walter Lorraine Books/Houghton Mifflin Books.
Pascoe, E. and D. Kuhn. 2003. Ecosystem of a Fallen Tree. Rosen Publishing Group, Inc.
Pfeffer, W. 1997. A Log’s Life. Simon Schuster Children’s Publishing.
Pierce, P. and B. Langton. 2003. H is for Hawkeye: An Iowa Alphabet. Sleeping Bear Press.
Pierce, P. A. and D. Rohner. 2006. Numbers in a Row: An Iowa Number Book. Sleeping Bear Press.
Romanova, N. 1999. Once There Was a Tree. Rebound by Sagebrush.
Rotner, S. 1992. Nature Spy. Atheneum.
Showers, P. and Aliki. 1993. The Listening Walk. HarperCollins Children's Books.
Silver, D.M. 1997. One Small Square: Backyard. McGraw-Hill Companies.
Silver, D.M. 1997. One Small Square: Woods. McGraw-Hill Companies.
Wallace, N.E. 2006. Look! Look! Look! Marshall Cavendish Children's Books.