Thursday, September 15, 2016

What’s Wild?

Explore the difference between wild and domesticated animals. Animals that are wild are called wildlife. Wild animals are animals that take care of themselves without depending on people. They get their food, water and everything they need to survive on their own from the environment. Domestic animals rely on people to provide food, water and shelter for them. Domestication is a process that takes place over a long period of time and involves selectively breeding animals for the traits that we want.

The difference between wild and domestic animals may be confusing for children at times. For example, animals that live in zoos are wild animals but their needs are provided for by people. These animals are a special example of those animals and are not how most of the animals of that species live. Encourage children to think about how most animals of the same species live. Another example is dogs and cats that have been abandoned and are left to care for themselves. They are still domesticated animals; they are just no longer under the care of a person and are no longer tame.

Neighborhood Animal Walk
Start by asking children what comes to mind when they hear the words “wild animal”?  What are some wild animals that they have seen or know about? Can they think of any animals that are not wild? What is the difference? Do any of them have pets or know someone who has a pet?

Take children on a walk through the neighborhood around the school.  Watch for animals. When you see animals ask the children: Is that a wild animal or a not wild (domesticated) animal? Why do they think so? What is the animal doing? Keep a record of the animals that you see. Record the children’s observations.

Classroom (or outdoor space)
Read aloud to the children the two “A Day in the Life” stories on page 73 of Growing Up WILD book. Have children act out the stories or use a felt board or other visual to make the stories come to life. Discuss the differences in the two animals’ lives. Ask: How does the dog get what it needs? How does the squirrel get what it needs? Which of the animals is the wild animal? What is the difference?

Provide an assortment of plastic and/or plush animals for children.  As a class. sort them into baskets according to whether children think they are wild or domesticated. Some animals may fit into either basket (mice, rabbits) so you may need a third basket for animals that can be either.

Provide the felt board and sorting animals for the children during center time to explore and play with. Listen to the stories they make up with the felt board.

If you have a classroom pet allow children to take part in the care of the pet. If they cannot directly take part in the care of the animal they could help the teacher remember, gather supplies, or take turns observing the pet for the day.

Note: This blog will discontinue in late September. Sign up for the KinderNature Early Childhood email list to continue to receive activities and ideas like these.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Celebrate the Monarch's Journey at Blank Park Zoo Festival

Come celebrate the monarch's journey from Canada, through Iowa, to Mexico at the 2016 Monarch Festival on Sunday, September 18 from 12-4 p.m. at the Blank Park Zoo in Des Moines.

Monarch Festival Activities
  • Come dressed as your favorite insect for the 3rd Annual Children's Bug Parade. Wear your wings, your orange and black, antennae or make your costume at the zoo. There will be special prizes for First and Second place Best Costumes.
  • Polk County Conservation will lead Insect Hunts and a Monarch Tagging event. Learn how to safely catch monarch butterflies to attach a tag. If these special monarchs are found in Mexico, they can help scientists track the migration.
  • Numerous Plant.Grow.Fly partners will offer hands-on activities, demonstrations and crafts for the whole family.
  • Los Ninos del Pepeyac - Danza Folklorica, a group dedicated to learning and teaching about the Mexican culture through dance, will perform.
  • Explore our Butterfly Garden and experience traditional Mexican music by Mariachi Azteca.
  • Families and kids of all ages are encouraged to take part in an interactive performance workshop called Follow That Monarch by Carol Taylor's Patchwork Puppets.
  • Create your own butterfly oasis in your yard with free milkweed seeds provided by the Blank Park Zoo and Neal Smith Wildlife Refuge (limited supply).
  • Des Moines Mayor Frank Cownie and Nevada Mayor Lynn Lathrop will be recognized for signing the Mayors for Monarchs Pledge.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Growing Up WILD Early Childhood Training

This workshop leads you out the door and provides hands on activities and resource materials to help you lead your own nature explorations. Growing Up WILD activities use age appropriate practices and concepts to build on children’s sense of wonder and invites them to explore nature and the world around them. Specially written for children 3-7, activities include sections to address many learning areas: math, science, language, literacy, health living, play, and creativity.

Growing Up WILD received the 2009 Family Choice Award and the 2011 Renewable Natural Resource Foundation Excellence in Journalism Award.

October 8, 2016
9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Sidney Cowboy Elementary CafĂ© (
1002 Illinois Street, Sidney)

Registration: Iowa Child Care Providers Training Registry - Click on Search Trainings, then search Reconnecting in the Title. Your enrollment will be complete when payment is made. The fees for service will be used to off-set direct expenses and to support Humans Sciences County Extension Program.
Registration Deadline: October 3, 2016
Cost: $15 (includes lunch, activity materials and 128-page guide)

Dress casually and appropriately for outdoor activities.

For more information, contact Linda Marshall at 712-374-2351 or