Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Category I 1st Place
Drew Boothe, Berg Elementary
Take It Outside Art Contest 2014

Welcome Teachers!
The Department of Natural Resources invites you to enroll your class in our third annual “Take It Outside” Art Contest — win prizes that will get you and your students involved in outdoor activities.

This year's art contest will focus on natural places — from prairies and forests to lakes and
streams. Natural places can be public — like national wildlife refuges; state, county and city parks and recreation areas; school grounds. They can be smaller and private — backyards, vacant lots. Regardless of size or location, special places connect us to the outdoors. Where is your favorite place to "take it outside?" How do you enjoy your special natural area? Do you hike? Fish? Paddle? Turn over logs? Stare at the sky?

Students are encouraged to use their artistic skills to create an image that shows them "Taking it Outside" in their favorite natural place (prairie, timber, pond, lake, stream, river, marsh - even their backyard or vacant lot). Be sure they show what makes the place special for them.

Winning entries will receive prizes and be used for upcoming promotions and displayed at the DNR building during the Iowa State Fair. Participating schools will be entered into a drawing to receive a grant (total of 4 grants awarded) for a natural resources-based recreation experience at a local outdoor recreation area.

For complete details, check out the Contest Rules on our website: http://www.iowadnr.gov/Education/ForTeachers/EducationCompetitions.aspx.


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